使用 Jest 测试框架,实现 100% 的测试覆盖率。 参考开源项目https://github.com/nusr/excel
VsCode 调试 Jest 测试用例#
VsCode 添加调试的配置文件 launch.json 在文件中添加断点,点击 Run and Debug 启动调试
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Debug Jest Tests",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"runtimeArgs": [
"./src/__tests__/shortcut.test.tsx" // 替换成需要调试的测试文件
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen"
Jest mock#
- Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)
- @testing-library/react 使用 fireEvent 触发点击事件没有透传 clientX, clientX, pageX, pageY等
- mock localStorage
- mock 某个模块的方法
- mock window.navigator
- mock image.onload
- mock 全局对象
mock 配置#
将 jest.setup.js 添加 Jest 配置文件(jest.config.js)的 setupFiles: ['<rootDir>/jest.setup.js']
// mainDomSet.ts
class BaseSet<T extends Record<string, any>> {
private state: T;
constructor(initValue: T) {
this.state = initValue;
set = (data: T): void => {
this.state = data;
merge = (data: Partial<T>): void => {
this.state = Object.assign(this.state, data);
get() {
return this.state;
export const mainDomSet = new MainDomSet({ width: 0, height: 0 });
// jest.setup.js
// mock mainDomSet getDomRect method
const { mainDomSet } = require("./mainDomSet");
class PointerEventMock extends Event {
* @param { string } type
* @param { Record<string,string> } props
constructor(type, props) {
super(type, props);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(props)) {
// @ts-ignore
if (value !== undefined && this[key] === undefined) {
// @ts-ignore
this[key] = value;
class LocalStorageMock {
constructor() {
/** @type Record<string,string> */
this.store = {};
get length() {
return Object.keys(this.store).length;
clear() {
this.store = {};
* @param { string } key
* @returns
getItem(key) {
return this.store[key] || null;
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} value
setItem(key, value) {
this.store[key] = value;
* @param {string} key
removeItem(key) {
delete this.store[key];
* @param {number} index
* @returns {string| null}
key(index) {
const list = Object(this.store);
if (list[index]) {
return list[index];
return null;
class ImageMock {
src = "";
width = 300;
height = 300;
* @param {number | undefined} width
* @param {number | undefined} height
constructor(width, height) {
if (width !== undefined) {
this.width = width;
if (height !== undefined) {
this.height = height;
setTimeout(() => this.onload(), 0);
onload() {}
onerror() {}
// fix: @testing-library/react 使用 fireEvent 触发点击事件没有透传 clientX, clientX, pageX, pageY等
global.PointerEvent = PointerEventMock;
// fix: ResizeObserver 没有定义
global.ResizeObserver = class ResizeObserver {
observe() {}
unobserve() {}
disconnect() {}
// fix: Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)
delete global.location;
global.location = {
reload: () => {},
// fix: mock localStorage
global.localStorage = new LocalStorageMock();
// fix: mock image.onload
global.Image = ImageMock;
// fix: mock 某个模块的方法
const spy = jest.spyOn(mainDomSet, "get");
spy.mockReturnValue({ width: 1300, height: 500 });
// fix: mock navigator.language
const languageGetter = jest.spyOn(global.navigator, "language", "get");
// fix: mock 全局对象
Object.defineProperty(global, "queryLocalFonts", {
writable: true,
value: async () => {
return [
fullName: "serif",
family: "serif",
postscriptName: "serif",
style: "",
fullName: "Times New Roman",
family: "Times New Roman",
postscriptName: "Times New Roman",
style: "",